"Everything looks like playhelminthes to you."
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
pixar2d: u ran this morning huh ?
LOOVE Emily: hahahhah
LOOVE Emily: i would not call it running
LOOVE Emily: i think i put run in quotes lol
pixar2d: hahahaha'
LOOVE Emily: but then i also ate two lunches
pixar2d: thats good
LOOVE Emily: would you still like me if i am fatty?
pixar2d: hahahaha
pixar2d: yeah
LOOVE Emily: like super fatty?
pixar2d: hahahaha
pixar2d: i would probably take u running with me at that point
pixar2d: hahahahha
LOOVE Emily: and i would 'run'
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
"C'mon, say something to me." Midori said with her face buried in my chest.
"Whaddya want me to say?"
"Anything. Something to make me feel good."
"You're really cute." I said.
"Midori," she said. "Say my name."
"You're really cute Midori," I corrected myself.
"Whaddya mean really cute?"
"So cute the mountains crumble and the oceans dry up."
Midori lifted her face and looked at me. "You have this special way with words."
"I can feel my heart softening when you say that," I said, smiling.
"Say something even nicer."
"I really like you, Midori. A lot."
"How much is a lot?"
"Like a spring bear," I said.
"A spring bear?" Midori looked up again. "What's that all about? A spring bear."
"You're walking through a field all by yourself one day in spring, and this sweet little bear cub with velvet fur and shiny little eyes comes walking along. He says to you, 'Hi, there, little lady. Want to tumble with me?' So you and the bear cub spend the whole day in each other's arms, tumbling down this clover-covered hill. Nice, huh?"
"Yeah. Really nice."
"That's how much I like you."
"That is the best thing I've ever heard," said Midori, cuddling up against my chest. "If you like me that much, you'll do anything I tell you to do right? You won't get mad, right?"
"No, of course I won't get mad."
"And you'll take care of me always and always."
"Of course I will," I said, stroking her short, soft boyish hair. "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
justanotherkv: D:
justanotherkv: ?
LOOVE Emily: :E
justanotherkv: E:
LOOVE Emily: :3
LOOVE Emily: that is the testicle mouth
justanotherkv: ...
LOOVE Emily: :=3
LOOVE Emily: :==3
LOOVE Emily: : c==3
justanotherkv: : 3==>
justanotherkv: oh, well then
LOOVE Emily: :o c==3
justanotherkv: : O c==3
justanotherkv: wow
LOOVE Emily: bhwahahha.
LOOVE Emily: alright.
justanotherkv: wait
-|-< c="="3-|-O:
justanotherkv: damn, I have a sick mind
justanotherkv: ASCII PRON
LOOVE Emily: omggggggggg
LOOVE Emily: HAHAHA i see it!!
LOOVE Emily: wow nathan wow
justanotherkv: yeah
justanotherkv: I know
justanotherkv: time to make it animated
LOOVE Emily: pron pron pron!
justanotherkv: nah
justanotherkv: I'm not really that nasty
justanotherkv: ><
LOOVE Emily: http://foodporndaily.com/
justanotherkv: I still can't believe I did that
LOOVE Emily: that is better
justanotherkv: haha
LOOVE Emily: yeah nathan neither can i
justanotherkv: eww, food
justanotherkv: mmm
LOOVE Emily: mirror neurons!
justanotherkv: oh god, I need to get offline
Friday, September 4, 2009
LOOVE Emily: i think his jeans don't fit that well
invisibleouch: lol
invisibleouch: i thnk it fits well
LOOVE Emily: like a terrible shadow
invisibleouch: lol
LOOVE Emily: maybe
LOOVE Emily: they are pulled up too high?
LOOVE Emily: omg it is so terrible i feel so embarrassed for him
invisibleouch: lol
invisibleouch: or maybe it's tight, but fits perfectly
LOOVE Emily: no
LOOVE Emily: no one should wear jeans that do that to your crotch
invisibleouch: lol
invisibleouch: it looks like they are doing that
invisibleouch: =/
LOOVE Emily: what?
LOOVE Emily: then you agree
invisibleouch: yea
invisibleouch: how was lab?
LOOVE Emily: pretty boring
invisibleouch: wat did u do? or wat was the lab abt?
LOOVE Emily: it was about the rules
LOOVE Emily: and then we had to do 'dimensional analysis' which was really just adding units to equations
invisibleouch: oh
invisibleouch: did u finished the lab then?
LOOVE Emily: yeah
invisibleouch: wow
invisibleouch: is it due on that day? or you have like a week to finish it?
LOOVE Emily: probably a week?
LOOVE Emily: but it was just three problems
invisibleouch: oh
invisibleouch: i should check it out tomorrow
LOOVE Emily: check what out?
invisibleouch: ur labs
LOOVE Emily: lol y
invisibleouch: just curious of what work u guys are doing
invisibleouch: so i can come 2molo? when u gonna be home?
LOOVE Emily: molo molo
invisibleouch: ?
invisibleouch: come on saturday?
LOOVE Emily: wait why not friday?
invisibleouch: idk
invisibleouch: i'll come on friday
invisibleouch: i didn't understand u molo molo
invisibleouch: |=
LOOVE Emily: you do not make sense either
invisibleouch: lol
invisibleouch: two-mo-lo = tomorrow
invisibleouch: short
LOOVE Emily: there isn't an l in tomorrow
invisibleouch: row = lo
LOOVE Emily: who told you that?
invisibleouch: a friend
invisibleouch: short txting
Monday, July 6, 2009
My summer schedule
BHWAAAHA. It is summer!
hold the grilled char, hoe a little, weed, pick
look for a blueberry for my squirrel, Souffle seeds, sickle from Cain
cocoa seeds from Toucan, see my squirrel :3
hot springs, give char to Toby?
sickle old plants, put char, get fertilizer, fertilize then plant seeds then water
maybe work at the bar
2 waffle
hold the yarn and silk and wool and watering can and fishing rod and grilled char and iron, water plants
look for squirrel presents, upgrade fishing pole
go to the taylor shop, buy a refrigerator, buy grilled clams, give Toby a char, give Gill a clam, visit my squirrel
go fishing
3 waffle-fishing day
water my plants
give out presents, buy 2 bodizigers
Toucan island fishing and use only ONE bodigizer
hoe if I have strength :P
4 waffle
water plants
give presents, grill the caught fish, buy a blue cock
smash rocks or cut up trees, find squirrel presents, maybe try to find some mushrooms
5 mine
water plants
say hi to everyone, MINE: look for iron and mushrooms, use the extra bodigizer
6 mine
water plants
give Cain the cock, buy seeds, refine stuff, upgrade hammer if I have iron, chop stuff up
7 waffle-fest
water plants
fish more, grill the fish, give fish and clams, buy lotsa herbal tea, give herbal tea to Jin
visit my squirrel
8 mine
water plants
forage for squirrel food, buy seeds?, say hi to everyone :3, give Mira a tea, mine for iron and mushrooms
9 waffle
water plants
feed the squirrel, give Gill a clam and finish the scavenger hunt
fish at Toucan island
work at the bar
10 waffle
water plants
look for squirrel food, buy watermelon seeds?
give Yolanda a tea present :3, feed Gill, feed the squirrel, go to Toucan island to fish
bar work
Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
It will be night,
of course,
with only fairy lights,
illuminating or reflecting
our souls.
Our souls--
they are dark wisps hidden in our hair
or maybe orbs whirling around our heads?--
it doesn't matter,
they will be present,
I will wear white
and glow like a moon halo,
ethereal in the cold vacuum of the space
between us.
With stardust in my crinkled eyes,
I see you as I always have,
the single notch cut in my heart.
My hand will clench your clothes and inhale you,
memories framed in love's perfection,
of boyish smiles, tender kisses, wild hair.
I will reach out to you with my eyes closed,
and reign in your brilliant light,
smooth and sweet against my cheek.
So sweet--
I ache in my throat and tingle at my nose.
there is no fear.
I will be with you forever,
I know.
A timeless forever,
hanging in a dazzling mid-twirl, a throbbing mid-leap,
in the moment of stretching infinity at the mouth of a black hole
when time slows to a creeping tic...tock...,
turning us red.
So slow.
I will hold you there with me,
in our beautiful suspension of eternity,
before I disappear,
crushed into nothingness.
In an instant, I will snap
loose from my hanging thread,
our heartstring,
and fall with chaotic cacophony
into my cavernous mind as I grasp
at fragmented shards,
dull mirrors of refracting rainbows.
It will be night,
of course,
because of the absence of light.
I will eat up all brightness
as I hurtle away,
sucked up by the blossoming vacuum,
gluttonous and greedy.
All things converge at me,
except you.
You--in static equilibrium pooled at my ankles;
dark puddles of shimmering symmetry.
You--a chilly fog caught in my lungs;
I hold and blow floating rings of ghostly smoke.
You--the pale powder I dust myself in every morning;
hide my imperfections.
There are tiny fluctuations
and eventually I will be shot out in jets--
in energy, painfully piercing,
reverberating in waves of gargantuan scales,
and released from the suffocating pressure.
I will be able to meander, twist, and spin.
Watch my movements leave ancient Aurora Borealis streaks,
glittering ionized gas particles at my fingertips.
I, cold and gone, am with you again
in my paradoxical, promised forever.
Not yet.
But soon.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Man Eating
is eating yogurt. His eyes, following
the progress of the spoon, cross briefly
each time it nears his face. Time,
and the world with all its principalities,
might come to an end as prophesied
by the Apostle John, but what about
this man, so completely present
to the little carton with its cool,
sweet food, which has caused no animal
to suffer, and which he is eating
with a pearl-white plastic spoon.
-Jane Kenyon
Monday, April 13, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
LOOVE Emily: the Xcore pokeman is a JUNIOR
well satah says: D:
well satah says: did you battle?
LOOVE Emily: no, he is coming...IN THE NIGHT
LOOVE Emily: and he didn't ask his mother yet.
LOOVE Emily: T_T
well satah says: D:
well satah says: OMGGG.
LOOVE Emily: haaaaaah
LOOVE Emily: pii pii pii
well satah says: you better win...
LOOVE Emily: otherwise i will bring shame and dishonor to us all
well satah says: yes, mulan, we must make a man out of you before you go into battal.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
LOOVE Emily: isn't love such an ostentatious concept though? I mean, what is to "love"?
justanotherkv: love comes from my loins
LOOVE Emily: your vagina?
justanotherkv: that too
LOOVE Emily: lol
LOOVE Emily: dude you should come over here and watch "Enchanted" with us.
justanotherkv: why?
LOOVE Emily: and possibly more....
justanotherkv: please provide me with a 5 page essay on why
LOOVE Emily: why? look deep inside your heart for the answer.
justanotherkv: I have no heart
justanotherkv: only loins
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
LOOVE Emily: hello, sarah
well satah says: hello, emily.
well satah says: emily srtert erytertytt.
well satah says: march 234
well satah says: or 6546
well satah says: whatever.
well satah says: GREEN PANTY.
well satah says: STUPID LAUGH.
well satah says: AKUNIN
well satah says: "NO!"
well satah says: hand on head
well satah says: grimacing.
well satah says: "oh.. mygod."
well satah says: STUPID LAUGH.
well satah says: NECK CRAMP.
well satah says: STUPID.
well satah says: DOROBO.
well satah says: STUPID POSTURE.
well satah says: stupid giggle.
well satah says: i'm an akunin.
Choco Ginger Walnut Cookies

Choco Ginger Walnut Cookies
makes: LOTS of cookies
1 pack chocolate cake mix
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 stick of margarine (because we don't deserve real butter)
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon powdered ginger
1 teaspoon chopped ginger
1 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup walnuts
1/4 cup candied ginger
Mix it all together. The batter should look like....DOODOO! Chill the dough then spoon it out and roll it around in a happy dust bath of powdered sugar and more powdered ginger. Bake at 350C for 14 minutes.

Oh yes I am better than Martha.
Martha Steward, you are FAIL!
Chocolate ginger cookies from Martha Steward--never make them ):<
Candied ginger are jewels!

The dough was so bad. Somehow I was able to shape them by refrigerating the dough, rolling it out between two sheets of parchment paper, freezing the rolled out dough, quickly cutting out two shapes then peeling away the surrounding dough. Repeat 495840985 times ):<<
Here they are bedazzled with their ginger gems :3
And here the chocolate ginger cookies are out of the oven--black, hard, bitter hearts.
I scraped the rest of the dough off the parchment sheets into a ziplock and squeezed out shapes, which means more doodoo-shaped food.
They had no taste ):<<<

Monday, March 9, 2009
LOOVE Emily: sooo nathan
LOOVE Emily: youre going to live with GIRLS i hear
LOOVE Emily: theres going to be like tampons all over
justanotherkv: technically, no
LOOVE Emily: oh
justanotherkv: yeah
justanotherkv: we're not sharing a bathroom
LOOVE Emily: but the tampons will spread
justanotherkv: XP
LOOVE Emily: theyll creep out from the girls bathroom
LOOVE Emily: then travel down the hall, clinging to the walls
justanotherkv: we're on different floors
justanotherkv: =P
LOOVE Emily: and then up the stairs
LOOVE Emily: leaving bloody trails
justanotherkv: down the stairs
LOOVE Emily: and then one day youll wake up and there will be a tampon on your forehead
LOOVE Emily: OK even better
justanotherkv: and I'll eat it
LOOVE Emily: they will snake down the stairs
LOOVE Emily: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
justanotherkv: mmmm
LOOVE Emily: ewwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
justanotherkv: or stick it in one of my own bodily orfices
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Choco Doodoo Meringue Pancakes
So I was on The Internets and saw this so I decided I must make them. Instead of making Chocolate Meringue Kisses, I wanted to make Chocolate Meringue Doodoos. But the doodoo swirl didn't come out so they were Choco Meringue Doodoo Pancakes.

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