hold the grilled char, hoe a little, weed, pick
look for a blueberry for my squirrel, Souffle seeds, sickle from Cain
cocoa seeds from Toucan, see my squirrel :3
hot springs, give char to Toby?
sickle old plants, put char, get fertilizer, fertilize then plant seeds then water
maybe work at the bar
2 waffle
hold the yarn and silk and wool and watering can and fishing rod and grilled char and iron, water plants
look for squirrel presents, upgrade fishing pole
go to the taylor shop, buy a refrigerator, buy grilled clams, give Toby a char, give Gill a clam, visit my squirrel
go fishing
3 waffle-fishing day
water my plants
give out presents, buy 2 bodizigers
Toucan island fishing and use only ONE bodigizer
hoe if I have strength :P
4 waffle
water plants
give presents, grill the caught fish, buy a blue cock
smash rocks or cut up trees, find squirrel presents, maybe try to find some mushrooms
5 mine
water plants
say hi to everyone, MINE: look for iron and mushrooms, use the extra bodigizer
6 mine
water plants
give Cain the cock, buy seeds, refine stuff, upgrade hammer if I have iron, chop stuff up
7 waffle-fest
water plants
fish more, grill the fish, give fish and clams, buy lotsa herbal tea, give herbal tea to Jin
visit my squirrel
8 mine
water plants
forage for squirrel food, buy seeds?, say hi to everyone :3, give Mira a tea, mine for iron and mushrooms
9 waffle
water plants
feed the squirrel, give Gill a clam and finish the scavenger hunt
fish at Toucan island
work at the bar
10 waffle
water plants
look for squirrel food, buy watermelon seeds?
give Yolanda a tea present :3, feed Gill, feed the squirrel, go to Toucan island to fish
bar work
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