Sunday, June 6, 2010

getting fat

I hate it, so fatty. Andy said he would take me to the mill but I have to wait a little more ;__; So while I wait I will go on a diet.
Right now I am eating cake but instead of two pieces I will just eat one.
I also want to eat millet because it is soporific (homeopathic itchy medicine/unicorn ride??!?!? >:3) because it is like turkey with the tryptos.

so majestic

1. lots of smoothies: Lanikai and Da Spot and Jambaaa
2. deluxe acai bowls
3. no packaged preserved food (other than FMW)
4. mill after I wake so I wake up
5. millets like a birdy
6. -1 piece of caek :(

Summer list

1. learn bike
2. beach hunt
4. violin
5. Prince duffel
6. work out lots

such a hottie

Things I want/need

1. bike
2. running shoes
3. glasses
4. panties
5. plastic dream shoes
6. rainbow nylon or ebay

coral flats, Nordstrom??


  1. Beware the calorie-laden smoothies. Maybe you'll have to learn to love the Enlightened ones :(

  2. don't worry about that.i'm here to worry about that. if u r prohibited then stop lecturing on her page. show offfff
