Saturday, December 18, 2010

I swear I am autistic!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Time running

The magical space
where shy boats cast off into
crackling rainbows

Ephemeral strings
like lazy electron beams:
my mind's contour lines


the goodbyes we say
always linger like spicy
kimchi on my lips

Thursday, December 9, 2010

my phone is so cute!

I lost my phone and called it and called it but it did not answer! So I finally looked in Kiki and I said, 'Where are you my phone?' and it answered and said, 'beep beep beep!'


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

meteorology textbook

fragile tree dentrites
reach out, deliciously glazed;
donuts glittering

image from by gbalogh

Sunday, December 5, 2010

-$75.50, なくなりました~

Yey I just bought two panties!

かも~先週shirtを着まして良い~~によいがあります! うれしくてsafeの気もちが
だと思ってしまいます。 :( とってもうれしかったです。 中国のレストラントに

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

my thought!

I was watching deep sea creatures with Mommy and she felt so sad for the creatures because they lived in the dark and couldn't really find mates and I had the most happiest thought:
Tori will never find a mate and will never make babies!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Land Breeze

“Where’s the wind?” I asked;
water answered, shivering:
a surge of cat paws

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

walking to meteorology

huge raggedy doves
sit like oil spill victims
in car park puddles.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

wants SO BAD!!!!

This time, not so expensive ne~

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Japanese tea garden

Stars like silver fish
caught in lacy dark branches;
on a mirror's edge

Sunday, October 17, 2010

getting fat

Wow, so I typed in the title of this post and it appeared in a drop down box, as if I had already made a post with the same title!

-smoothie: strawberry (need more cause I just ate them all q_q), banana, haupia sorbet
-chicken rice mash
-no choco, no extra sugars

Friday, October 15, 2010

from snorkeling day with Coco and Coco's boyfriend--not awkward at all!

Uncle is near-by
carefully watching creatures
trapped in the tidepools

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010



If I had money I would ADOPT A SUNFISH :333

Friday, September 10, 2010

have a peppermint
plastic wrapper crinkling
a sugary smile

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

wants to make hats

bunny, daisy head maisy
and star dresses

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

for now

lady gaga
bjork swan dress

Friday, August 6, 2010

got all the trophies!

Also...I am making a beet dress! When I went to the fabric store to get a zipper and a pretty ribbon, I saw the guy from Project Runway! The woman in front of me asked if I wanted to get his autograph and I said, "No! So embarassing!" Also two of the people in the small group do work with autism and I am wondering about the autistic spectrum and where I might be.

I got a 33 :|

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Romantically Apocalyptic

I am the captain.
The year is 20__ something something.
I stopped counting a while ago, and therefore not sure what day it is.
Humanity is virtually wiped out in a nuclear holocaust.
Me and my last squad: pilot, sniper and engineer, live in the wasteland ruins of tomorrow.
This is my story.
I am captain

by Vitaly S Alexius

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

beet, dark, sound

tiny baby beet
fuchsia geo cross sections
I feed you, my pet

Weak light pollution
can still dim ancient starlight;
Our eyes reflecting

vroom! past my window
it is 4:00 am
I only hear you

Monday, June 14, 2010

so cute!

my milk toof!!!! (by Inhae Lee!)

Friday, June 11, 2010


Guess what it will beeeeee


sad Keanu :(

Wiki says,

"Reeves' father worked as an unskilled laborer and earned his GED while imprisoned in Hawaii for selling heroin at Hilo International Airport.[4] He abandoned his wife and family when Reeves was three years old, and Reeves does not currently have any relationship with him.[4] Reeves has one biological sister named Kim (born 1966 in Australia) who was diagnosed with leukemia in the early 1990s.

Reeves moved around the world frequently as a child and he lived with various stepfathers. Within a span of five years, he attended four different high schools, including the Etobicoke School of the Arts, from which he was later expelled. Reeves has stated that he was expelled "...because I was greasy and running around a lot. I was just a little too rambunctious and shot my mouth off once too often. I was not generally the most well-oiled machine in the school. I was just getting in their way, I guess."

Reeves excelled more in hockey than in academics, as his educational development was challenged by dyslexia. While Reeves dreamed of becoming an Olympic hockey player for Canada, an injury ended his hopes for a hockey career. After leaving De La Salle College, he attended a free school (Avondale Alternative), which allowed him to obtain an education while working as an actor; he later dropped out, never obtaining his high school diploma."


At least he can live forever :"|

Sunday, June 6, 2010

getting fat

I hate it, so fatty. Andy said he would take me to the mill but I have to wait a little more ;__; So while I wait I will go on a diet.
Right now I am eating cake but instead of two pieces I will just eat one.
I also want to eat millet because it is soporific (homeopathic itchy medicine/unicorn ride??!?!? >:3) because it is like turkey with the tryptos.

so majestic

1. lots of smoothies: Lanikai and Da Spot and Jambaaa
2. deluxe acai bowls
3. no packaged preserved food (other than FMW)
4. mill after I wake so I wake up
5. millets like a birdy
6. -1 piece of caek :(

Summer list

1. learn bike
2. beach hunt
4. violin
5. Prince duffel
6. work out lots

such a hottie

Things I want/need

1. bike
2. running shoes
3. glasses
4. panties
5. plastic dream shoes
6. rainbow nylon or ebay

coral flats, Nordstrom??

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

sooooooooo happy

I played the zombie game all day and all night while I read >>Harry Potter fanfic. I finally beat the zombies and got a reward :3
Stinky :D

Yeyeyey sleepy Stinky, I let him nappy :3

I also played lots of games and I won him two chocos. Oh yeah and see the thirsty plant that was a gift from Crazy Dave? It is a sun mushroom!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tiny Chameleon!

Tiny Versions of Bigger Things!!

no green thumbs here, we can only grow cactus lulz

Mommy has started her collection again.
Last year she brought home a mini cactus
from the family fair.

A stubby succulent,
smooth and translucent green flesh
covered with useless spikes,
better suited for a filter feeder,
like a frightened benthic anthozoa,
than for protection.

She placed it in a tiny raku pot
of charred black with fat iridescent brush streaks
on the sink's window sill
so during the day her cactus can look out
into the neighbors' yard
(as we do)
and so she can look at her nub of a plant
at night as she washes dishes.

When I was little,
our walkway from the toolshed to the front door
was crowded with soft wooden troughs
filled with the darkest, richest soil
jacked up with miracle grow.

It felt so primally good to burrow my index finger
deep like an earthworm
into the cool clean dirt
and hide in these nursery nests
white and yellow daisies, button and bell flowers,
Chinese lanturns,
fushia, lavender, and white sweet peas,
cornflowers, sunflowers, and rainbows of cosmos;
two in each hole.

The pictures on those $2 packets seduced us
with promises of life and color
on our dry, wooden walkway.

Not many plants survived the relentless sun.
The brave sprouts that pushed their way to the surface
were zapped by the electromagnetic spectrum radiation,
perishing quickly in fireballs.

The family fair cactus in its wabi sabi pot
has grown past adolescence.
Lean and tall and no longer knobbish,
it resembled a stretched out blob of play-doh,
or a small dildo,
and grew copious bunches of pubes.

Past middle age,
it is now an old fart,
covered in fine white hair like an old man's beard.
The wispy hairs wrap around its dildo-chin,
encircling itself in protection against the world it has seen,
this past year.

Family fair cactus has friends now,
around eight of them.
With property at the window sill in high demand,
there has been talk of construction,
maybe an upper level.

The new residents are small and clean,
sporting miniature spicules
sticking out from shiny juicy skins.
Three of them sit in tiny glazed pots
that stand on three tiny lumpy, stumpy legs.
The others sit in supermarket brown plastic planters
and on wide white dishes
sprinkled with river pebbles.

There is also half an orchid plant.

Last week on Mother's Day,
we went to my grandma's house
for a quite lunch,
mayonnaise chicken and bad takeout Chinese food.
After the dessert dishes were cleared,
Mommy took out her present to Dama:
A tray of three cool ceramic planters.
Dama, Mommy, and I planted the seeds.

"She likes to take care of things,"
"and watch them grow"
which is true.

Before Baga died,
Dama's backyard was filled
with a tiny lemon tree, pikake,
a bush that grew tiny red flowers
with four heart-shaped petals in fat bunches,
three mango and plumeria trees,
mock orange hedges,
and puffy lavender-flowering plants
that crept between her green onions.

Now her yard is paved with gravel.
Dama has fallen a couple of times
on the protruding rock stepping stones.
Mean strawberries stained her elbows and knees.

Yesterday I visited Dama.
Her mini sunflowers and asters have sprouted,
their tender little buds arcing towards
the heavy glass doors which filters their sun.
I turned the pots 180'
and saw into my mind, a garden of color.

If the last blue cornflowers do not wake up
from their Target-induced hibernation,
that is fine because they have already flowered for me
in all of the tiny wells of hope I created and tended to
as a child.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

hey I was looking for this!

Accolade of the Animals

All those he never ate
appeared to Bernard Shaw
single file in his funeral
procession as he lay abed
with a cracked infected bone
from falling off his bicycle.
They stretched from Hampton Court
downstream to Piccadilly
against George Bernard's pillow
paying homage to the flesh
of man unfleshed by carnage.

Just shy of a hundred years
of pullets, laying hens
no longer laying, ducks, turkeys,
pigs and piglets, old milk cows,
anemic vealers, grain-fed steer,
the annual Easter lambkin,
the All Hallows' mutton,
ring-necked pheasant, deer,
bags of hare unsnared,
rosy trout and turgid carp
tail-walking like a sketch by Tenniel.

What a cortege it was:
the smell of hay in his nose,
the pungencies of the barn,
the courtyard cobbles slicked
with wet. How we omnivores
suffer by comparison
in the jail of our desires
salivating at the smell of char
who will not live on fruits
and greens and grains alone
so long a life, so sprightly, so cocksure.

-Maxine Kumin

Friday, May 7, 2010

new moleskin!!! :3

how resilient,
this cello we weep over;
movement in sine waves

the rain made rainbows,
streaky wet on the windshield,
an arc of bird poo

Monday, April 26, 2010



Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy, hygienic Molly :3

Molly was so happy I bought her a volcano and fed her that she decided to clean herself like a good mudkip.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


omg such a sad day today. Today I went to play with Molly and she was so dirty and hungry that she could not even clean herself ;__; I tried to clean her with her upgraded blue soap again and again but she couldn't even sit up.
and she also found a black stranger friend :"""U