Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Romantically Apocalyptic

I am the captain.
The year is 20__ something something.
I stopped counting a while ago, and therefore not sure what day it is.
Humanity is virtually wiped out in a nuclear holocaust.
Me and my last squad: pilot, sniper and engineer, live in the wasteland ruins of tomorrow.
This is my story.
I am captain

by Vitaly S Alexius

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

beet, dark, sound

tiny baby beet
fuchsia geo cross sections
I feed you, my pet

Weak light pollution
can still dim ancient starlight;
Our eyes reflecting

vroom! past my window
it is 4:00 am
I only hear you

Monday, June 14, 2010

so cute!

my milk toof!!!! (by Inhae Lee!)

Friday, June 11, 2010


Guess what it will beeeeee


sad Keanu :(

Wiki says,

"Reeves' father worked as an unskilled laborer and earned his GED while imprisoned in Hawaii for selling heroin at Hilo International Airport.[4] He abandoned his wife and family when Reeves was three years old, and Reeves does not currently have any relationship with him.[4] Reeves has one biological sister named Kim (born 1966 in Australia) who was diagnosed with leukemia in the early 1990s.

Reeves moved around the world frequently as a child and he lived with various stepfathers. Within a span of five years, he attended four different high schools, including the Etobicoke School of the Arts, from which he was later expelled. Reeves has stated that he was expelled "...because I was greasy and running around a lot. I was just a little too rambunctious and shot my mouth off once too often. I was not generally the most well-oiled machine in the school. I was just getting in their way, I guess."

Reeves excelled more in hockey than in academics, as his educational development was challenged by dyslexia. While Reeves dreamed of becoming an Olympic hockey player for Canada, an injury ended his hopes for a hockey career. After leaving De La Salle College, he attended a free school (Avondale Alternative), which allowed him to obtain an education while working as an actor; he later dropped out, never obtaining his high school diploma."


At least he can live forever :"|

Sunday, June 6, 2010

getting fat

I hate it, so fatty. Andy said he would take me to the mill but I have to wait a little more ;__; So while I wait I will go on a diet.
Right now I am eating cake but instead of two pieces I will just eat one.
I also want to eat millet because it is soporific (homeopathic itchy medicine/unicorn ride??!?!? >:3) because it is like turkey with the tryptos.

so majestic

1. lots of smoothies: Lanikai and Da Spot and Jambaaa
2. deluxe acai bowls
3. no packaged preserved food (other than FMW)
4. mill after I wake so I wake up
5. millets like a birdy
6. -1 piece of caek :(

Summer list

1. learn bike
2. beach hunt
4. violin
5. Prince duffel
6. work out lots

such a hottie

Things I want/need

1. bike
2. running shoes
3. glasses
4. panties
5. plastic dream shoes
6. rainbow nylon or ebay

coral flats, Nordstrom??

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

sooooooooo happy

I played the zombie game all day and all night while I read >>Harry Potter fanfic. I finally beat the zombies and got a reward :3
Stinky :D

Yeyeyey sleepy Stinky, I let him nappy :3

I also played lots of games and I won him two chocos. Oh yeah and see the thirsty plant that was a gift from Crazy Dave? It is a sun mushroom!