Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bad Day

Bad day and I hate everyone.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Still Fat.

Yesterday I deserved a bubble drink. I was an express whore, metaphorically of course.

Today I ate pho again with Brian. It was very good so I ate until I wanted to puke. After that we went to the mall and Brian bought the best briefcase evar which makes me want to be a man. Oh yeah, I finally got my money and already spent some on another pair of black shoes; these however, are not black suede.


The shoes, they hurt.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Goals: short term (but probably long term)

I need a new wallet since the coin park does not keep the coins in and the snap closure does not keep my wallet closed.

I also need a new bag.

A new ipod.

A working phone.

Comfortable black shoes.



And moar clothes.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Food

We got bubble drink, OMG.

And then we went to the Punahou Carnival. SO much food! I just got 6 malasadas and 32 oz. of Portuguese bean soup. ARGH. I just ate a whole bowl of the soup and dipped the malasadas in it. SO GOOD. I'm going to eat more nao.

Oh New York.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Passion.

Today I got my free avocado bubble drink with my buy-ten-get-one-free card! Or Brian bought it? Or be bought his own and I got mine free?
It was so cold, so avocadoy, so bubbley that I forgot to take a picture of my avocado bubble drink and the woman took away my card so I have nothing to remember that momentous event with other than my fatty tummy. It was over too soon and I got full too quickly ;_; I wish I could have one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus for snacks and desserts.
Tomorrow, I'm going to get a bubble drink. I will get a new card which I will fill up with stamps, each costing $5.29. And I will take a picture of each delicious creation so that when I am lonely and sad, I will look upon it and be comforted.

That sadly, is not mine ):